Saturday, March 8, 2008

School Play: "Compose Yourself"

Cassie got to be Mozart in a play this last week. She did great, as usual!

The basic story line is that a group of composers, in the form of statues, come to life.

Cassie's the one with the silver hair, the second from the left, in this first clip:

Here, the just-woken-composers are complaining about how stiff they feel. The third kid up to the mike says, "I've got a Mozart Effect right here in my neck!" The next one up says, "A Mozart Effect--bah humbug! Why not a Bach Effect?!" And so on... Cassie's little bit in this comes up at about 25 seconds.

Here's Cassie's solo--it's kind of challenging to sing!

Cassie's bit in this comes up at around 45 seconds, and then at 1:53.

Cassie's friends are the bride and groom:

I missed the lead in to this, but another boy comes up to the mike and says something like, "I know who Mozart is, my mom listens to it every morning while she has her morning coffee." And then our little Mozart comes up (this is where the clip starts) and says, "Oh great, now I'm just background music!" The rest of the clip, there are people on stage (you can't see them behind the other kids) pretending to have breakfast.

And in this last one, she says, "Studies show I can have quite a profound effect on you!"

And here are a couple of photos. I wish I could have gotten a better one with her in the fun wig and the Mozart sash.

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Cassie in Hawaii

This was on our second day of boogie-boarding. The other beach we'd been at had much bigger waves--I wish I'd have video'd that, except, there was no way I would have let her be out in the surf there all by herself! Notice how clear the water was amazing! Also, she didn't realize I was taping and couldn't hear me, she thought I was nagging her to hurry up when I was actually just telling her to say Goodbye since this was her last ride in.

If I had some video editing software I would cut out about half of this, the part where I'm going in a circle trying to get the rest of the scenery. It didn't have quite the effect I'd hoped for!

Testing the Flickr Slideshow, courtesy of flickrSLiDR

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